Tuesday, May 18, 2010



As I have said before Justin really loves to read and one day I set him in the rocking chair like you would normally sit in a chair with a book while I picked up the toys and this is how he ended up sitting. Such a cutie!


Justin loves to be outside as much as he can so we took him to the park and he had a lot of fun playing on the slide and swinging with his Daddy.


Well Justin got his first boo boo. It was just after
we had moved into our new apartment and we were still unpacking some suitcases. Brent and I had gone in the other room to put some things away and Justin was in the living room playing with toys. Well then we heard a scream and crying when we went in there Justin had this bruise on his head. We had left one empty suitcase on the floor and he attempted to climb over it and slide and hit his head on the hard wheel. I promise I am not a mean mom. lol


We have a great view from the living room of our new apartment. We have had fun feeding the ducks and geese and have enjoyed not seeing a parking lot anymore.

Funny Faces

Justin is loving that he can look out our balcony and see outside. He thought he was so funny putting his face on the screen.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Messy Bathroom

Justin loves to go in the bathroom and the kitchen because he likes the feel of the floor tile. Well one day I went into the bathroom to get him and this is what I found. I guess boys will be boys.

Big Boy

Justin thinks that he is such a big boy now. When we are eating dinner and I try to give him pears or applesauce he wants nothing to do with it if he can see what we are eating. He wanted to eat the potatoe wedges on our picnic and spaghetti the other night for dinner.

Loves To Read

Justin is starting to really love books. He loves to look at all of the pictures and loves it when anyone reads to him.